The Evolution of Payroll in Fintech: Innovative Strategies with Pavel Shynkarenko #135
Nick Day is joined on The Payroll Podcast by Pavel Shynkarenko, an experienced leader with over 20 years in financial and legal technologies, business development, and client-contractor relationship automation.
Title: 🌟 The Evolution of Payroll in Fintech: Innovative Strategies with Pavel Shynkarenko #135 🌟
Host: 🎙️ Nick Day, CEO of specialist Payroll Recruitment Agency, JGA Recruitment Group
Guest: 👤 Pavel Shynkarenko, Founder, Solar Staff
Episode Overview:
🔊 In this insightful episode of The Payroll Podcast, host Nick Day is joined on The Payroll Podcast by Pavel Shynkarenko, an experienced leader with over 20 years in financial and legal technologies, business development, and client-contractor relationship automation.
Key Topics Discussed in this Episode:
- Exploring the personal significance and perspective on the term “payroll.”
- Uncovering the motivations and factors that sparked the guest’s entry into the payroll industry.
- Discussing the pivotal moment or opportunity that inspired the creation of Solar Staff.
- Addressing specific challenges and pain points in the context of freelancers and payrolling.
- Highlighting the advantages associated with Solar Staff’s solution for both businesses and freelancers.
- Providing insights into strategies for fintech businesses to navigate and expand in response to evolving payment regulations.
- Sharing the strategies and approaches used to build a flexible and adaptable payroll business capable of managing continuous changes.
- Discussing key trends in the fintech industry that have the potential to influence the future of payroll.
- Identifying common pitfalls and mistakes that fintech companies should avoid in the global expansion journey.
- Offering recommendations and actionable steps for fintech businesses to stay adaptable in response to evolving payment regulations.
- Providing insights into the anticipated evolution of payroll and offering recommendations for leaders in the payroll space.
Useful Links From This Episode:
- 🔗 Solar Staff Website
- 👤 Pavel Shynkarenko’s LinkedIn Profile
- 🔗 Pavel’s art:
- 🌳 Greenify Talent: JGA Planet Positive (ESG) Recruitment Solution
- 👤 Host Nick Day LinkedIn Profile
- 📢 JGA Payroll Recruitment
- 🎧 Check out our sister podcast, The HR L&D Podcast
🙏 Thank you for tuning in to The Payroll Podcast. Stay tuned for our next episode, where we continue to dive into the fascinating world of payroll! 🎧🌍
If you need the support of a payroll recruitment agency to help fill your next payroll vacancy, please please contact me! I possess over 20 years of payroll recruitment agency expertise and I would love to help! or call 01727 800377
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